Latest archaeological news from Serbia – few days ago within the complex of early medieval church of St Peter and Paul in Ras, near Novi Pazar in south-western Serbia, during rescue excavations, archaeologists came across some interesting finds – remains of unknown building, coins, pottery and 20 graves.
The Church of St Peter and Paul, known as Peter’s church, is oldest active church in Serbia. It originates from 8th century, or even from earlier period, and it was build above prehistoric Iron age burial mound. The site provided numerous archaeological artifacts during several decades of excavation, from different periods, prehistory, antiquity and medieval times.
Latest excavations from previous week revealed remains of a building of unknown purpose. Archaeologists don’t know yet when it was built and what it was used for, but it most likely originates from medieval period. Further research will shed additional light on these questions, since the excavation is still in progress. Besides that, they found 20 graves, fragments of pottery and Ottoman Turkish and Austrian coins minted in 16th and 17th century.
We hope that new updates about these discoveries will be published soon, since this site is located in the area of Old Ras, one of the capitals of medieval Serbian state, rich with archaeological remains from different historical periods.